The First Order by Jeff Abbott
Monday, January 4, 2016 at 7:29AM
TChris in Jeff Abbott, Thriller

Published by Grand Central Publishing on January 5, 2016

Unlike many thriller series, the Sam Capra books are maintaining their quality. I was unimpressed with the first Capra novel, but the quality of subsequent books (unlike a couple of Sam Capra short stories) has been consistent.

Earlier novels in this series developed Sam Capra’s platonic relationship with Milla, the woman who helped him rescue his child and who handles Sam for a mysterious organization, and with Milla’s husband Jimmy, who feels threated by Sam. The relationship triangle plays an intense role in the early stages of The First Order, forcing Milla to make a difficult choice about whether to betray her husband or her best friend.

Another subplot that developed in earlier novels involves Sam’s search for a brother who might or might not be dead. That storyline takes center stage in The First Order. It merges with the Milla-Jimmy-Sam triangle in a way that gives the series a good shake.

A third plot thread that initially appears to be unrelated involves an assassin who calls himself Philip Judge. Judge has been assigned to kill the Russian president. It is not an assignment that Judge can refuse. About midway through the story, we learn something about Philip Judge that ties all of the plot threads together.

Various characters operate at cross-purposes as the novel steams along, interfering with each other’s plans in a way that creates unexpected plot twists while fueling the novel’s action. I often have trouble with farfetched plots but this one moves so smoothly that nothing seems forced. Action scenes do not push the boundaries of credibility beyond that which is common in modern thrillers. In any event, the story is fast-moving and fun.

The First Order closes a chapter in Sam’s life and opens another. It promises to give the series something of a fresh start, which is always a good idea after the first few books. Whether the series will stay fresh remains to be seen, but this installment is one that should satisfy Sam Capra fans.


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